Testability: Reimagining OOP design patterns in Rust

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I'm going to look at design patterns that enables easy code testability. Most of the code I write at work is written in a traditional object-oriented language, and is almost exclusively using the pattern known as Dependency Injection (DI).

Quick outline:

  1. A look into how DI is used in the field, in development environments considered more orthodox than Rust
  2. A look at typical industry-standard Rust code with questions like is it well tested? If not, Is it easy to change that?
  3. Look at how good patterns from other languages can be brought to Rust, without also taking the idioms that are foreign to Rust. Take only the things tht actually provide value.

This is the first in a series of posts, with the end goal of presenting a full ergonomic design pattern for Rust applications that enables easy testability everywhere.

Testing terminology

We have some application (a structured computer program) which is fairly modularized. The most interesting module of a modern program is the function. We would like to verify that the functions do what they are supposed to do, so we write a test program - a meta program that links to the original program. The test program calls the functions of the original program with some inputs, and execute some assertions on the outputs.

If things only were that simple! We forgot that an application usually has very deep call graphs. If we test a very high level function, it will usually call into layer upon layer of intermediate steps before returning an answer, and sometimes it will even perform I/O.

Unit tests

Functions are units that represents some computation. When we test a function, we'd like to test only that function, the code within that function body. We don't (necessarily) want to test everything else that the function directly or indirectly calls out to.

Business logic vs. utilities

I like to group functions into these two categories. Business logic is deep, but utilities are shallow. An example of a utility in the context of an application, could be e.g. HashMap. If the function we are testing uses a HashMap, we just let it do so, because it's not considered a Business Logic dependency, it's just a utility.

Inversion of control

Business logic will usually depend on lower level business logic. It is typically this kind of dependency we want to "cut off" when executing a unit test. In the test, we want to treat the output of the lower level dependency (B) as input to the tested function (A).

Could we just rewrite the function? Instead of calling B directly for its output, A could just accept it as an additional parameter? No, because A would then become a utility! There has to be some code somewhere that connects the output of B to the input of A. We would see that A is on the call stack while B is executing. Therefore, it must be modelled as a function call.

So the control flow goes from A to B and then back to A, with B's answer. But only in release mode. In the unit test we'd like to just specify what Bs output is, we don't want the call to happen for real. Something external to A needs to specify whether the real call to B will happen or not. This is inversion of control (IoC).

There are different ways of implementing IoC. It can use function pointers, it can use method dispatch, it can use a special configuration parameter.

Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection (DI) is an implementation of IoC. It usually builds on some kind of method dispach. The B from before could be some object named b, with the method b, so A could call b.b(), and since the method call is being dispatched, A has not hard-coded its dependency. The injection is to pass a B object instance into A.

In modern field practice, dependencies are code modules with dispatch functionality. What I mean by that is that one B have many methods that can be called, instead of just one. In strictly object oriented languages like Java, every function is part of a class, and most of them are typically methods. Java has one class per file, so it will feel natural to put related methods inside the same class. Then it will also feel natural to pass around instances of those classes to create dependency graphs.

I am not sure whether passing a function pointer would classify as DI.


Mocking, broadly, is the practice of injecting test doubles as surrogates for real dependencies when unit tests are executed.

Java/JVM, which I'm most familiar with, has various mock libraries (Mockito, mockk, etc) that utilize reflection and runtime bytecode generation to create alternative implementations based on concrete classes at runtime. That's right, dependencies do not need to be abstract interfaces for this to work.

Java application architecture

Java was once purely Object Oriented, but has moved towards a more functional style in more recent years. Other, "secondary" JVM languages have accelerated this move. But a typical modern Java (or Kotlin) program is still object oriented, and what I'm thinking of is of course Dependency modelling, and all of the Domain-Driven-Design names of classes, like FooController, FooService and FooRepository. There might be a setup like this:

class FooController {
    FooService fooService;

// another file
class FooService {
    FooRepository fooRepository;

This is a dependency graph. The classes accept their dependencies as parameters in the constructor. In the running application, they get instantiated once, and live for the rest of the program's lifetime.

This architectural style is ubiquitous, it's an industry standard and accepted best practice.

To recap:

Java testing

Let's look at the consequence of this pattern in unit tests. We want to mock dependencies. We want to test a method of a class, and that class receives dependencies through its constructor. There could be many dependencies, and since we run in a test, it's common to mock out those dependencies. For example:

FooService service = new FooService(

I.e. we create 4 mock objects. So far so good, continuing with:

int output = service.someMethodThatWeWantToTest(1, 2, 3);
// assertEquals(42, output);

Does that method call use all those 4 dependencies? We don't really know without looking at its implementation. FooService could be a large class with a hundred methods that are "somewhat related". We still had to mock 4 dependencies.

Of those 4 dependencies, what methods of those dependencies are used within someMethodThatWeWantToTest (There could be a hundred methods in each)? Also not easy to know without looking at the actual implementation.

What we have is something that works OK, but in many cases look like over-abstractions, in my view. I'm talking about the whole Dependency vs. method inside Dependency duality. In fact, it is the called methods which are the real dependencies, not the class that contains those methods. The dependency to the class instance may be seen as a hack to get method dispatch working.

But if Java didn't do it that way, there would be 10 times more classes with just a single method in each. And if you wanted to have a method that calls 10 other methods, you'd need to pass 10 different dependency references into it. And those things aren't free!

We will see if it is possible to improve a bit on this when we come to the Rust section:

Rust application architecture

Rust and the JVM languages have very different designs. In Java you can "hack" the language during runtime to enable things that the language wasn't really designed to do. Trying to do something like that with Rust would be close to crazy. Rust has no reflection, so it is much more limited in the things it might be able to infer during runtime. Rust only does exactly what the code says, with very few exceptions.

That is not to say we cannot have IoC in Rust, we very much can, and the go-to language feature for that is trait. In fact we can have zero-cost IoC. So whatever testing design we come up with, it should not have performance impact on the finished product. We only pay for what we use, and a release build does not include the tests.

Altough we can use traits to achieve IoC, it's very much opt-in. A standard method call in Rust is not dispatched. It's only dispatched if some kind of generics are involved (a zero-cost abstraction), and when dyn is used (which is not completely zero cost).

Testing philosophy in Rust

I think that Rust codebases have traditionally leaned more upon integration testing than unit testing. The unit tests that I tend to see there, are usually tests for utilities. Unit-testing utilities is easy.

Business logic seems to get less attention. I don't know the answer why, but it might be because there aren't any established design patterns.

Trying to port the OOP patterns directly

First, we can imagine something like this:

trait FooController {
    fn handle_something(&self);

This is an interface that we need to implement for a type.

impl FooController for FooControllerImpl {
    fn handle_something(&self) {
        // ... the implementation

Trying to model DI could look something like this:

struct FooControllerImpl {
    foo_service: Box<dyn FooService>,

But I think there there are several code smells already.

  1. It's not zero cost
    • It requires a heap allocation
    • It uses dyn, and therefore dynamic dispatch through a vtable.
  2. It looks Object Oriented, which is probably not the correct paradigm
  3. It's a little verbose, tedious to write.
  4. It inherits the many-methods-in-many-dependencies design from OOP

To mitigate 1., we could make a static dispatch solution:

struct FooControllerImpl<F> {
    foo_service: F,

But Instead I really want to break this properly apart and try to lose all these "wannabe-class" things.


In Java, a code module/file always equals a class which somehow needs to be instantiated. Rust just has normal code modules, and you usually group together related types, impls, traits and functions and put them in the same module. You don't instantiate a Rust module.

Functions or methods?

In Rust, it is not always clear whether you should make some computation a function or a method.

If it is very clear what the subject is that you are operating on, you should probably create a method. But a design like the following will appear contrived to many Rust developers:

struct FooServiceImpl {
    bar_service: ?

impl FooServiceImpl {
    fn do_something(&self) {

struct BarServiceImpl {}

impl BarServiceImpl {
    fn do_something_else(&self) {

Types (struct, enum) should be used to represent the data types in the domain of the application. A type like FooServiceImpl is no such thing, and my view is that these have no place in a Rust program. I once developed a Rust application at work where I used a Service-oriented design, and I wasn't fond of the end result at all. It felt very unnatural to work with. These OOP patterns just don't tend to fit well with Rust.

I'd now like to introduce a design based on combining functions and traits, to achieve static, zero-cost dependency injection.

zero-cost DI with functions and traits: The "deps-pattern"

The idea is that some function a has a generic parameter called deps that declares all its dependencies as a union of trait bounds.

An abstract computation that can be depended upon is declared as a trait:

trait B {
    fn b(&self);

The function which depends on B, looks like this:

fn a(deps: &impl B) {

(impl B is a shorthand notation, it means being generic over some type that implements the trait B)

Expanding a bit, let's write out the full declarations of both A and B:

trait A {
    fn a(&self);

fn a(deps: &impl B) {

trait B {
    fn b(&self);

fn b<T>(deps: &T) { // (T is unbounded, as it's not used)

You will notice that the fn a(&self) in A and fn a(deps: &impl B) have similar signatures. The difference between them is that the trait exports itself as a dependency, while the function is the implementation of that, and declares its own dependencies.

There's still something missing in this picture though, we don't have a working application yet! There is nothing that makes a actually call b.

To get there, we need a type which will implement both traits A and B, with those implementations acting as the final "linking stage", wiring together A with a and B with b:

struct Application {
    // "state" the app needs to operate.
    // configuration, connection pools, etc

impl A for Application {
    fn a(&self) {
        // call the _function_ a, defined above.
        // This compiles, because Application
        // also implements trait B.

impl B for Application {
    fn b(&self) {
        // call the _function_ b

Neither of the global functions a nor b depend on the Application directly, just on their immediate dependencies.

The Application struct holds all the data the application needs to operate.

Leaf nodes of the dependency graph will often require access to application state. Examples of leaf operations could be performing a database operation, other kinds of I/O or provide some configuration parameter:

trait GetApiUrl {
    fn get_api_url(&self) -> &str;

impl GetApiUrl for Application {
    fn get_api_url(&self) -> &str {

trait FetchTodo {
    fn fetch_todo(&self, id: u32) -> Todo;

fn fetch_todo(deps: &impl GetApiUrl, id: u32) -> Todo {
    let url = deps.get_api_url();

impl FetchTodo for Application {
    fn fetch_todo(&self, id: u32) -> Todo {
        fetch_todo(self, id)

An example showing multiple dependencies:

trait A {
    fn a(&self);
trait B {
    fn b(&self);
trait C {
    fn c(&self);

fn a(deps: &(impl B + C)) {

Generalizing the implementations

The drawback with having a type like Application used everywhere is that each trait implementation needs to be aware of the final type that's going to be used. This would make it a bit harder to modularize an application into multiple crates, and Application should architecturally exist in one of the most downstream crates.

Take a look at A for Application again:

impl A for Application {
    fn a(&self) {

This implementation contains no code that actually depends on Application. It just calls the generic function a. The only reason Application is used here is that we need something to dispatch from in the first place. We should generalize these implementations, so they can live in upstream crates!

In order to be able to mock our trait and use its real implementation, A must be implemented for two distinct types. Implementing it specifically for a mock type and generally for every other type would be disallowed by Rust coherence rules.

What we need is a Generic Implementation-Providing Smart Pointerâ„¢.

struct ImplRef<'t, T: ?Sized>(&'t T);

Every crate would depend on a common micro-crate that just provides this type. The impl of function a, as the trait A, depending on trait B, would then look like:

impl<'t, T> A for ImplRef<'t, T>
    where ImplRef<'t, T>: B,
        T: Sync
    fn a(&self) {

It's implemented for any T! But what is T? T is the immutable state of the appliction.

Now we can also write an AsImpl trait with an as_impl method that has a blanket impl for any type, so we could write this:

struct AppState {
    // ... things go here

fn entry_point(state: AppState) {
        .as_impl() // -> ImplRef<'_, AppState>
        .a(); // Call trait method `A::a`, which again calls `fn a`

AppState now gets generically "tunneled" through the system from the entry point to dependency leaf nodes. We can "dig out" the AppState at the other side, keeping the rest of the application generic:

trait INeedAppState {
    fn i_need_app_state(&self);

// non-generic function
fn i_need_app_state(app_state: &AppState) {
    // lowest level of business logic,
    // bottom of the call stack.
    // From here, only utilities are used.
    // e.g. a HTTP library

impl<'t> INeedAppState for ImplRef<'t, AppState> {
    fn i_need_app_state(&self) {

Having this impl in the leaf position, requires all of the application to depend on AppState. But ImplRef can be projected, so we could call into sub-crates of our application:

fn i_need_app_state(app_state: &AppState) {
    // Call into the "storage" module:
    // This is now a new sub-entry-point.
        .fetch_something(); // call into a deps-pattern subsystem

Real-world backend application

Integrating the "deps-pattern" into a real world backend will be very easy.

We'll use an Axum handler as an example:

let app_state = Arc::new(AppState {
    /* all the required configuration and state, etc */

let axum_app = Router::new()
    .route("/", get(handler_as_entry_point))

async fn handler_as_entry_point(
    Extension(state): Extension<Arc<AppState>>,
) {

Note that in an async context, the deps-pattern wouldn't be free, because futures would need to be boxed since they are defined through a trait. But fortunately, that is soon about to change for the better.

Conclusion: Evaluating the deps-pattern

We have managed to flatten our earlier dependency graph (which was based on an actual in-memory graph of references) to something where the dependency graph is just a compile-time concept.

We have gotten rid of unnecessary and contrived types from the application, and can continue to model it with normal functions. We can have high level business logic depend on low level business logic, and we have Inversion of Control since it's all based on trait bounds. And (almost) everything should be zero cost.

In unit tests, we can provide alternative implementations of the traits depended upon.

There is one great disadvantage though. Can you guess it? It's the verbosity and all the boilerplate code. The final pattern that I present will solve that isssue. Yes, it will involve the use of macros! And yes, that will be presented in the next post, because this is the end of this one.